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Sunday, 26 July 2009

trusting God to provide

As a missionary, I am on a constant adventure of finding out who God is preparing to partner with me financially and prayerfully. I love that God does not call me to go out alone into the mission field to which He has called me. He provides ministry partners along the way.

People who pray for me and for the requests that I send out. People who give financially. I am humbled and amazed by the people who give sacrificially so that I can do what God has called me to do.

Especially when I think of the financial crisis that is hitting everyone in the world. It would be easy for us all to stop giving in fear of not having enough. Isn't that what the man who stored up grain in Luke chapter 12 was doing?

I think of that as I tithe and support other ministries and missionaries. It is a temptation for me to stop giving so that I will be sure and have enough. but that is not what God calls me to do. He calls me to give faithfully and trust Him to provide for me.

It is an interesting way of living.. being a missionary. I love it! I love that God opens my eyes to see the world in need as He sees it. I love sharing with my ministry partners what God is doing in Western Europe. I love that I am continually faced with trusting God to provide for me. I love that God puts me on the hearts of others as they pray for me and give to the ministry.

Isn't God good?! I was watching a sparrow today and it reminded me of Matthew 6:26- "look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them."

I can trust the provision of my heavenly Father who even cares for the tiny birds. He will provide people to partner with me. He will provide people who pray fervently for me and the places that God is using me. And He will provide for those who partner with me.
God is good!

Saturday, 25 July 2009

it is about God.

so I am in Colorado right now at the Campus Crusade for Christ US staff conference. This occurs every two years and it is a gathering of all those in the US who are called by God go reach students and faculty on campuses, to reach Athletes, to reach families, etc...

I go because it helps me to understand this organization that I am a part of now.

This year, I heard the Vice President of the Americas speak about how we all need to be more about God than about the organization. This was music to my ears. I have been struck in the recent months with how often we as Christians focus on the the thing that God has given us to do rather than on the Lord Himself. We are called to worship the creator not the created! We are called to give our lives to Christ, not to give our lives to our work!

I go because it is here that I am blessed to see people from all over the organization that are dear to my heart.

Do you ever wish that you could have all those dear to you in one place? I wish that a lot. And here in Ft. Collins, CO, i have the privilege of having many who are dear to me in one place. It is so fun to run into people that I joined staff with, or went through international training with, or met when they were part of a conference that I organized in Europe, or met some other random way. I love hearing stories and sharing the heart that God has given to me too. There is something so sweet about hearing and sharing what God is doing in the world.

So... it is about God. God IS. there has never been anyone like Him there will never be anyone like Him. Amen?! Amen!