With the visit of my brother Michael, I thought it was a good chance to experience skiing in the Swiss Alps. Michael is a good skier and my friend Brad is a good skier and between the two of them, I was fairly certain that I would survive and even re-learn the things Mark taught me so long ago. Was that 6 years ago? 5? 7? a long time no doubt.
Here are Michael and I. He took photos.. and video.. not sure I want to share those.. I really don't like looking like an idiot. But maybe I will share them when he gets the photos to me.of my trying to learn to ski again.. by the end I was pretty comfortable.. isn't that the way it goes?
Between Brad, Michael and the T-bar lift guy... I learned a lot.
Things like this are a great lesson for me as I maneuver this course of life. Do I trust the instincts God has given me? Do I trust the poeple He has put in my life? Do I walk in faith? Do I give up when it is hard or do I keep trying? Do I accept the help of those who know more? Do I ask for help?
There is a quote that I have held close to my heart for over 10 years now... "Fight the tendency to prefer security to availability. In other words, quite hanging on to today's comfort. It will keep you from anticipating tomorrow's challenge."
That requires a lot of trust.
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