So, I find that there are some pretty big challenges to being a single female raising support. Feeling alone in the process is just one of them.
A dear friend shared some insights from a book this past week. She told me of a book that a man wrote in which he spends a chapter each on the unique challenges that various different groups face when they are called to find financial support to do the work that God has called them to do.
Later that day I was given a copy of the book by another dear friend. And today I read a lot of it. The things I read about in regards to being a single female missionary
1. There is a bias amongst most American evangelicals against single female missionaries.
I feel this... especially when I pursue churches to partner with me. In general, churches seem to give first priority to couples when is comes to a missionary to partner with. And as much as my home church would not do this intentionally, I know I am not the only single female to feel that prioritization. I do not doubt that I am loved, but I do feel that I am often passed over as a viable missionary simply because I am single and female.
This hurts me because I have no doubt that God has called me and that He has already used me in HUGE ways in Europe and that He will continue to use me in Europe. I get to do things as a single that I will not have the freedom to do when I am married with children.
2. Single female missionaries get smaller financial pledges.
I read that this has been shown to be true as well as the fact that we receive more one-time gifts than monthly pledges. I am not sure why this is true. I can surmise that people just don't think single females will be on the field very long. I have never heard that from anyone. But I do experience the results.
3. Single females face unique challenges in one-on-one meeting with potential ministry partners.
NO KIDDING! I don't have a husband to meet with any single man who might partner with me in this ministry. I know that God is with me every step of the way... but that does not keep me and other friends of mine from awkward situations. The author suggestions that it might be good to take a friend along with me when I meet with people. That would be wonderful for so many reasons! Any one wanna go with me?
So, I share this with you so that you will know more how to pray for me. I get drained emotionally as I try to reach people by phone or email and as I try to meet with people. The American culture trains us to fill up our schedules so that there is not room to make a new friend nor time to hear how we can partner with a missionary.
BUT GOD... I love that phrase.. because it changes everything! But God is the great provider. But God reminds me that I am not alone and that He is with me. So even when I begin to be discouraged at the realities I face... I realize that God's view is more real than my view.