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Tuesday 3 December 2013

getting a Christmas tree

My lovely roommate, Tiana, and I went out to fetch a tree on Sunday...
 we looked and looked and drove a bit until we spied this lovely sign.
by then the rain was coming down sideways and as we hiked through the mud to look at trees we laughed about what me must look like. Tiana in her pearl earrings, me in my leather jacket... We were not expecting the rain.

The wonderful man working the farm, cut down the tree for us and helped to attach it to Tiana's car. and we drove back to our duplex..
 by the time we got back... it had essentially stopped raining... and here is Tiana with the tree. 
 We had fun. it was good bonding time. :) 
 and now we have a tree in our duplex....

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