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Thursday, 25 January 2007

The new group

Well... here we are... the new staff to Campus Crusade for Christ... winter class of 2007!

This is an amazing group of people and I am blessed to know many of them well. about 35 of them are leaving us on Saturday because they went through this next part of our training back in September. I shall miss them.

Sunday, 21 January 2007

New Staff Training

Well... here I am... at the end of week three in Daytona Beach, Florida. The last two weeks I spent sitting in class and studying for class....a bit of eating and a bit of sleeping were thrown in for good measure and good health. This is my friend Hung. He wore himself out studying...

Today is Sunday and if you saw this group...

The weather is beautiful and we are all studying instead of playing in the sun on the beach. This is because we have a final exam at 8:30 am tomorrow for our Doctine of Survey class. You will be happy to know that I finished Bible study methods with an "A". We shall see what DoS holds... we should know our grades very soon after we finish the test.

This is a photo of ....the wind storm brewing last week... the waves came up to the retaining wall for a couple of days

And so it goes...

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Prayer partners

I want to camp on this again... :-) is that okay? I mentioned in a previous post that young Ellie prays for me and how much that means to me.

Before I knew that Ellie was praying for me... I had the privilege of finding out that one of my cousin Kim's children had chosen me to be her AWANA missionary. So Julia began praying for me regularly and I just found out that her younger sister Gloria is also praying for me! Wow... makes me want to really make sure that these young ones can know God more through praying for me!

And before I learned of these dear ones praying for me.... I was told that a woman, who has always been dear to my heart, even now after she has gone to be with Jesus, was praying for me for years that I would become a missionary! That was humbling... and endearing. How amazing to see pieces to the puzzle... Christine was praying for me! I wish I could have told her about this direction that God is taking me. Her prayers were answered!

And even before I learned of that... a woman stopped me in church to tell me that she has been praying for me every day since she heard/read about what God has called me to do. What a huge blessing. A woman I have never met is praying for me.

And that does not even begin to detail out all those who are praying for me. I know I am prayed for... and that is amazing and humbling and encouraging and challenging to me!