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Monday 24 November 2008

Where does the time go?

In scripture I am reminded that time is fleeting, that my life is but a breath... so why does it surprise me when it has "suddenly" been a month since I spoke with a dear friend, or 2 months since I sent out a prayer update to my ministry team or 3 weeks since I updated my blog?

Life does not stand still. We all know that. No matter what the economy is doing, or what joys or tragedies are in our lives.. life goes on. And I have to think that I am SO thankful that it is God who ordained my days before one of them came into being.
There is comfort in knowing that even as time seems to slip through my fingers, that time is ordained by God. Every moment of my life and your life is ordained by God.

The seasons change as the Lord ordains.

And time does not stop for me...

I have to stop to enjoy and ponder along the way. If time is fleeting and my life is but a breath, am I taking time to notice and time to to breathe?

I do not want to be oblivious to the things God is doing around me. I desire to fully enjoy and participate in what God is ordaining in my life!


  1. Thanks for sharing your reflections Mel! love ya!

  2. I love your pics, they are all so good and display how God is the author of all things, including time! I love to ponder as well as you, to think of all that He has created and done in our lives. Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving!

  3. You are so beautiful dear friend...
