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Wednesday 1 May 2013

Transition and Peace

Ah transition... this word has defined my life for at least the past 4 years. 

Rakel (dear friend) shared that her favourite picture of transition is when you are in a little boat, tied securely to a dock and then someone slashes the rope and you are sent in your little boat into the stormy waters not knowing where land is or when you will get there. 
SO true! 

I am okay in these stormy waters because Jesus is in the boat with me.
For all the ups and downs that I am experiencing, I am at peace in Christ. Do you ever have those times where you are experiencing the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding? When it is not logical that you would be at peace?

It is not logical that I would be at peace when in the past 4 years I lived in 3 countries and returned to my home country seeing that it is a foreign country to me now. 

It is not logical that I would be at peace when my belongings are in the UK, I am in temporary housing and I don't know when or how that will all come together

It is not logical that I would be at peace when everything in my life is changing at the moment.

But I am. 
I am at peace because I know that God has always provided and guided me.
I am at peace because God will continue to provide and guide me.

So, my soul rests in the Lord.

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