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Thursday 23 June 2005

Here is to Good Friends!!!!

This Week In HealthNutrition and Lifestyle News: Good Friends Promote Long Life

What are friends for? The latest answer to that perennial question is “to help keep you alive longer.” Researchers in Australia recently published results of a 10-year study showing that having good friends is even more important than family for a long life. At the outset of the study, the researchers asked nearly 1,500 people over the age of 70 about their contact with children, relatives, friends and other confidants, including their spouses. After tracking the participants for ten years, the investigators concluded that while close contact with family members – including children – had little impact on the risk of death, a strong network of friends reduced the risk of dying. Compared to seniors with the weakest network of friends, those with the strongest ties were 22 percent less likely to die during the course of the study. The researchers speculated that, among other things, friends may exert a healthy influence on smoking and drinking and other health risks.

The study was published in the July, 2005 issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.Source: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, July 2005

1 comment:

  1. I know you're so dear to me... and actually your friendship is in place of regular exercise, so I hope you're right! It's exciting to think of all the people in Kandern who will get to love you too! They might not let you leave after 2 years.
