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Tuesday 22 November 2005


So, today a co-worker took me to lunch for HER birthday... Sabine is one of the receptionists here that I have clicked with. She is great! She leads a gospel choir. :-) love it! German's singing Kirk Franklin. They do pretty good. Anyway, today was her birthday and she asked me last week if I could join her for lunch today. I was very honored and of course agreed! Then we went to lunch, had a lovely chat over some really good Italian food and then she paid.. I was shocked. I said, "I should pay for you!" she said, "no.. it is MY birthday!" So apparently, the tradition in Germany is that you pay for your own birthday celebrations... which is one reason they only have big parties on the 10s... 20, 30, 40, 50. Interesting eh....? :-)


  1. Very interesting...I don't like it. :) I like our tradition much better. However, I'm glad you had a great time! Keep making those wonderful memories!

  2. Oh for some great cross cultural experiences!!

  3. Deirdre: Sounds great to me, as long as you don't tell anyone when your birthday is..........
    Hey I checked out the bubble wrap that's fun. WHat are you doing on Thanksgiving???? You should teach those folks about the Turkey deal.

  4. Thanks for the pics! you know it does your mother's heart good to SEE where you are and what you are doing! XOXOXO :-)
