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Sunday 22 January 2006

Galatians 5:7

"You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?" I was reading in Galations this week and came across this verse. And it has caused me to think about what things might be hindering me from obeying the truth. The whole book of Galations is a definition of freedom and I am captured by the truth that the things we try to do and then justify as freedom in Christ do not really make us free. Verse 7 is a precurser to the listing of things that we should not do followed by the listing of the fruits of the Spirit.

Have you ever sped through verses 19-21 because "surely these are things that I do not do" and rush to verses 22-23 because "these are the things to dwell on and become like" I was thinking about that too... and I looked at verses 19-21 again. And I find myself saying with Paul, "May it never be!"

I desire to honor God in all I do... and that means I must be consistently comparing what I think is honoring to the Lord with what He says is honoring to Him.

I love Philippians 4: 4-9.

Anyway, somethings I am processing...


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am one of the speeders that practically jumps over those few verses, not really thinking of them. But you reminded me that though verses 22-26 are great and to be meditated upon, we also can't forget the thigns written in 19-21. God put them there for a reason and we must be continually looking at them and reminded of what we need to turn away from. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Love you Mel!

  2. Hmmm... that will make you think! Thanks! I just went and read Galatians again. That whole passage reminds me of the rich man, and Jesus saying it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. All the people around are dismayed and ask, "who can be saved, then?" Thats kind of how I feel after reading that bit in galatians. But I am encouraged by Jesus' words - with man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. I pray that by his power he enables us to be fruit-bearers.

  3. Hi Melissa,
    It's amazing how much God wants us to be free and yet we seem to shy away from it sooooo many times. One thing I always think of is that the world says that He's boring and set in His ways, and yet when you look at Grace and Glory you find it us that are the "stick in the muds"! It's great to read how you're doin' and this encourages me to keep going back to His opinion on everything so I can be free to have a blast like His word says it is when you're free in Christ!!
    Love Ya,

  4. hi, mel! praying for you today ... just wanted to let you know :)

  5. Praying for your heart in this world where the battle is not against flesh and blood! I'm loving you and praying for you!

  6. Hey sweet girl- just that you are aware in your heart of such truth is a great start. You have a precious seeking heart to love Him.

  7. Hey Melissa,

    Has anyone hidden under your bed and grabbed your ankles lately?

  8. for anyone wondering... that grabbing ankles comment comes from my friend Mark Barton who lives down in Arizona and whom I have known for 12 years now... wow.. .and he hid under my bed one time at a missions training week and scared the living daylights out of me... ah memories...

  9. Meli,
    Isn't Spain amazing?!?! And to think I had to live there... sigh... it was rough... :)
    Glad you enjoyed your time there! Enjoy the weather, it was beautiful here today, all clear with blue skies and Mt. Hood was all snowy and GORGEOUS... love you! Jen
