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Wednesday, 29 August 2007

I made it!

Just a short note to say that I am in Kandern! :-) After one of the most fluid and problemless trips ever... I arrived with all luggage intact! God is good!

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Here I Go

Well, I am at the Portland Airport preparing to get on one of the planes that will get me to my final destination of Basel, Switzerland, where I will be picked up by co-worker friends and whisked back to Kandern.

Pat and Rakel and my Mom prayed over me this morning. I love how Pat and Rakel come, pray, give hugs and then give the goer special time with family. They are precious! Thank you guys! I love you!

In the past few days I have said goodbye to many of you... I have tears in my eyes as i think of all the life events I will miss. ... new relationships, engagments, marriages, babies, tragic moments, road trips, new experiences...

Saturday my dear friend Bekah organized a little gathering.. We watched Shakespeare in the Park (Taming of the Shrew) and had a picnic. Thank you to all who came! I did not take photos... shame on me...I am waiting for someone to send me the few that they took. :-) Anybody???

Sunday I got to hang out with a really great church family that is on my team. Columbia Community Bible Church. Real potluck with fried chicken and all.. so great! I am excited that they are on my team.

Sunday night I hung out with some of my extended family... here are some photos t prove it. I love them so much! especially great was having my cousin Kim and her husband and 6 kids there from Michigan! As I drove away, I cried and wiped away the tears... I really love my family.

here are some of them:
My Uncle Bob and Aunt Jan and Cousin Erik with his wonderful wife Doreen and their three kids Jacob, Annalise and Micah... I hope no one is offended by any misspellings....

My Cousin Kim and her husband Dave and their kids, Julia, Gloria, Melody, Grant, Nathan and Elliott... I have always had a ton of love and respect for my cousin Kim. She was an all star in high school and college and she is a great mother to her kids!

My Cousin Ryan and his lovely wife Bethany and their great kids Caleb, Natalie and Jeremiah. and two boys that they are taking care of. :-) I love how they love on kids! and adults. :-)

I am blessed indeed.

Friday, 17 August 2007

the way I see it...

I am amazed at what I get to see. The Rocky Mountains at 10,622 feet up! The double rainbow I saw up in these mountains.

I see evidence that God is calling people to Himself. In Rotterdam, Netherlands two staff men were sharing the gospel with a student who was not interested but while they were sharing a man was pacing back and forth behind the student. The two staff were wondering what was up with that guy... when the student left, the man came up to the two staff and said, "I have been praying that you would come. I am the only Christian I know here and I want to learn how to share my faith. Will you teach me?"

What do you see God doing? :-)

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

does anyone read this???

silly question, I know...but no one is commenting... so either no one is reading, no one has anything to say, or my posts are really boring and spark no response. .... and maybe more people comment when I am not in the States... maybe that is it. :-)

I am in southern California helping my grandparents read ready to move to an assisted living community... 50 years in one house... loads of things to go through... i am tired... but it has been very good to see them and it was great to see my Cousins and their soon to be wife and Aunt and Uncle... I love my family!!!!

I head to northern California tomorrow to visit some dear friends and supporters... I am very much looking forward to seeing these people that God put in my life! They are precious! Then it is off to Colorado for the STINT briefing where I am privileged to meet the new and returning STINTers! I wonder who God is bringing to Western Europe this coming year! :-)