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Thursday 15 June 2006

the Swiss Alps

Last Saturday Deb and I went to Switzerland to see the Alps. It was a beautiful day. tank top and shorts kind of day. We drove a lot but when we got to the top of the overpass it was so worth it! That overpass is closed a lot due to snow and it has only recently opened. Imagine with me if you can... windows down, worship music turned up... Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is filled with His glory.... and the scenary is this:

And this... shoen ser shoen

I returned that night full of praise to the Lord and joy about what He has created. big bang? yeah right! Not a chance. :-)

And at the top it was a bit cooler... but just to prove I was there.... :-)


  1. What a GREAT God we serve!!

  2. ok, so I had a dream with you in it last night. There was something about flying...not in a plane, but I was actually flying by myself. I told myself that I was going to remember it and tell you, but now...don't remember. Just know that you are not ever far from my thoughts. Love ya!

  3. Thanks Jenn. :-) you are a blessing.

  4. Yes, God is a wonderful Master and the ultimate Creator. Thanks for the pictures. It never ceases to amaze me how much His handiwork can draw me to Him. But, I'm a visual person.

  5. WOW! Yes! I know what you mean about God's creation. I too have been blessed to go backpacking up on Mt. Hood with some gals and to be out in the forest for the summer. What He has made is only a taste of His glory. How amazing. I got to see a bear in the woods the other day and he was so cool!

  6. okay - i'm officially drooling! Thanks for sharing your pictures and such! My little corner of God's creation remains the park and the greenspace by where I live. I went and picked flowers in the park the other day (probably wasn't supposed to). I'm sure i looked a sight! I was on my bike, so one pant leg was rolled up, I had my helmet on, sweatshirt tied around the waist, orang bag slung on my shoulder with flowers stuffed in it... you would have laughed to se me! :) But it was enjoyable to see flowers and swallows darting about in circles around me. But I'm still jealous!

  7. How great is our God...sing with me, How great is our God! It's wonderful having a Technicolor Father isn't it? I mean, He could have left us in a black and white world but no! What pleasure we receive from his handiwork!

    I remember being at the top of Schilthorn (sp?) and all of us singing "better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere". Wow! Thanks for the pics Miss, I am too forgetful!
