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Thursday 10 May 2007


20 days….

20 days that I am still in Portland.
20 days to see you and say goodbye again

This part is hard to fathom… When I arrived in December it felt like I had a looooong time to see everyone… but that time is drawing to a speedy close.

13 days….

13 days until my birthday

I will be 32 years old… or young…whichever way you choose to look at it.  A local store clerk recently asked if I was at least 17 years old… When I assured her I was at least 17 years old, she said, “are you sure? Because if your mother comes in here and I get in trouble…” Good grief.

10 days….

10 days to find the people who want to partner with me in ministry

6, 12, 18 people or churches…..

6 people giving $100/mo. or 12 people giving $50/mo. OR….1-infinity people and or churches who give the amount God puts on their heart to give each month.

It all seems so mathematically sound that way… but I know that God does not fit into my box! Here is the deal…. If all my support is in by the end of this month, May, 2007, I can report to my assignment immediately after my international training. This means I can meet and help train the new STINTers who will be coming to Western Europe for this next year.
If I do not get to report, I do not get to meet them, and then it will be much harder for the STINTers to know that I am a person they can trust to help them process during their year in Western Europe.

4 days….

4 days since I returned from my two week trip to Western Europe. Oh, if only I could, in person, tell you all how much that trip meant to my soul! While I was there I saw good friends, I helped to present the Student Priority to the leaders of Agape Europe at a conference in Spain, I connected with STINTers in Germany and God allowed me to encourage and challenge them even as they encouraged me! It was the perfect combination of all the things I love about my job over there! And I have returned with a deeper longing and excitement to be back over there!


  1. I like those STINTers! You should be there to meet them! Sometimes they need someone to joke with and I can't think of anyone better that they could meet.
    Love youzk

  2. so Melissa- lets talk German sometime...sometime before the 20 days are over. cafe d? when? tell me :) bis bald

  3. When is your birthday sweet lady?? i hope i get to see you before you head back to Germany.. yes!! i love your comment on my blog.. i love to love ALL people.. i always think i have friends from ages 0months to 100 years old.. but i think the oldest person i ever met was in their 90s.. can't remember now.. anywho, i do love you so much!! and im always thankful for your friendship & impact on my life. God contunie to bless my good friend ms. Melissa.. & let her shine for you Jesus. in Jesus' name i pray & your will be done over my own.. AMEN! :-D

  4. thanks for the update! It's good to see a picture of Debbie.

  5. You almost wrote a song. It was sort of a 12 days of Christmas vibe, only better. The 20 Days of Melissa. You should make a song... Maybe I should write a song... I think I will. I'm going to open up my music program and make a song. You've inspired me. thanks again.

  6. oh the picture of you and cheryl and kendra is wonderful and i love it. :) I'm praying that you'll be granted the desires of your heart dear one. I can't imagine a better person to greet and love new stinters.
