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Thursday 3 May 2007

Here and there

Can you believe it? I have not taken any photos since I arrived here in Kandern. None of Mallorca where I was for a conference last week and none of Kandern. It just all feels so right and normal for me to be here and to be doing what I do here.

I was encouraged last week at a conference with all the leaders of Campus Crusade Agape Europe. God is moving over here in Western Europe. French Students are falling in love with Jesus and are finding a passion to share this love with others! British students are taking news of Jesus Christ to parts of the world that I cannot mention here! Top politicians in some of the countries are strong Christians and are living as Christ calls them to live in their top positions!

I am amazed over and over again to see what God is doing. It is still very hard here but SO much different than when I first began coming to Europe to tell people about Jesus back in 1992. :-) I guess 15 years makes a difference.

I know I am a different person now. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I know you think we've dropped from the face of the earth! Can you believe two old people would be so busy? It is always so good to check out what you are doing and we are so thankful for your faithfulness to the Lord! I love hearing that the gospel has not been stifled because of what's happening in the world.
    And we did get your messages. We will connect!
