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Wednesday 14 September 2005

What I am doing

So, I am in Eastern Oregon at the Eagle Crest Resort. Last chance for my family to all hang out together. I am so grateful for this time.

It has also been a time of processing and sorting out all the ideas in my head. I have lists now of things I need to do, things I need to pack, things I need to purchase, people I want to spend time with, people I need to contact about support. Lots of lists. :-)

And here is something else I am processing: Is is faith if we "give God an out"? For example, if I pray that all my support will come in, but I tell people that I will leave on October 3rd only if that is when God wants me to go. --does that just mean, I am giving God an out for providing by then or does it mean that I truly believe that God is all ...the end...the beginning...the master and provider in His timing. What do you think? Does that even make sense?


  1. I guess you don't really know if you are leaving on the 3rd do you?....Does God know? I think so...and you know, He is OK if you are giving Him an out...maybe He will just chuckle and gently whisper:"It's OK to give me a way out....I'm OK if you do, and I am OK if you don't...just trust me, I will get you there in MY time" ...what am I doing? Playing God? No, just trying to imagine this loving Father of ours...I just love Him so much ...and we love you are awesome.

  2. Here's my best shot at your question:
    I think that saying you will leave only if God wills it is a very Biblical thing to say (James 4:13-15). I don't really see it as giving God an out, especially if you are using that statement as a statement of humility before the Lord and confidence in His plan for you. Hope you had a great time with your family and that your preparations are going well. You're in my prayers. God Bless --Sean
