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Sunday 18 September 2005

When God Directs

Here is a photo of the living room in my new flat

So I have been thinking about the way that God has directed me and the things that have led me to this point of my life. I like to do this from time to time because it shows me on multiple levels why I need to trust God.

Going back just over a year ago... I was in a depression, first and hopefully the last one of my life. A huge part of it was dealing with some very irrational fears that I have lived with since I was a young child. Along the way I decided that I needed to get out of the country to get some perspective. So I contacted my friends in Kandern Germany.

I had met the Holladays in the summer of 2001 while co-leading a team of college students over to Lithuania to work with Campus Crusade in the capital city of Vilnius.

So, I make preparations to visit the Holladays in Germany and along the way someone they know asks if I can bring some medicine over for them. I was happy to oblige.

While there, 1st day of the trip, I was introduced to Jesse and Tricia Marcos; 2nd day of the trip, I was introduced to Deb Heefner. Deb gave me her card with the words, "I need an assistant".

Looking over the week of time that I spent in Kandern last December, I see how God was preparing me.

While in Colorado recently for a week of training/preparation, I had the opportunity to sit down with Deb Heefner again. In that conversation we both were struck with how God had been directing us to that point. She, to offer to someone she had just met to be her assistant and me to know immediately that I am supposed to do that.

Also that week in CO, the Holladays found me a flat. My getting the flat is somehow connected to the friends of theirs for whom I brought over the medicine.

I know that there are multiple other things that God has used in linkage to me being here at this moment. But it all makes me 100% sure that I am going in the direction that He is leading me.


  1. That is really cool how things have been linked together in your life. It is really inspiring to hear about what God is doing in your life and how you are taking His lead.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Such a cute place.. can't wait to visit you my friend! Thanks for being vulnerable via Gotta love technology. You're such a dear friend, and I love you to death.

  3. Was so good to see you yesterday! thanks for sharing....and I LOVE your place...we know without a shadow of a doubt that God is taking you to Germany....that is so coooooollllll!!

  4. hey, girl ... praying for you and that last push for support. God is faithful, and He will come through for you. keep at it! k.
