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Tuesday 14 February 2006

Memories of times with friends

Ok so I don't usually post this often.. so don't get used to it. :-) But last night I was having dinner with my friend Maria: and she was telling me that Valentine's day in Estonia...where she is from... is a day to celebrate your friends and to remind them that you are glad they are in your life.

So.. my friends... here are some memories that I love....

And then there was the trip to Wisconsin for Missy and Jesse's wedding...

And the time that Tami and I tried Bubble Tea... and yeah.. we did not like it.

The Italian Fest with dear Tori. :-) good memories my friend. Dancing the night away with 1/2 of Portland in the Square...

The night my friend Allen pulled together a few of my dearest friends and we haung out and then we went outside and they prayed for me... remember the people at the other table that were not sure what to do when they realized we were praying? :-)

And Tri-Cities... these two friends will be in Lithuania next year at this time... if things continue as they are... Oh how fun for me!!!!

And so many more.. .so thank you my dear friends for being my dear friends...


  1. I love the pictures! Thanks for all your thoughts and updates - have a wonderful day!

  2. good times! plus so many more ... happy valentines, girl :)

  3. and remember how the waiter teased annie on new year's for being the only one who didn't have a black coat? eating escargots? and then running toward the square? that was a blast.
