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Friday 12 June 2009

re-occurring dreams

I woke up this morning and realized that I am not in school anymore. Yes, I know that is an odd statement, but I had to really think seriously about this in relation to a re-occurring dream that I have.

In my dream, I am in school. for some reason, I think it is high school... because the hallways seem to scream HIGH SCHOOL! :-) So always in the dream, I am really enjoying a class and I am doing well in the class. It is generally a literature or philosophy class.

Then I find myself not going to class. I never know what is keeping me from class...all legitimate reasons but nothing concrete... and I know that really enjoyed the class and I get more and more upset and the thought that I might fail due to absences scares me.

So I try to go to class. But I can't find the classroom. I can't remember the schedule or where classes meet. And then I stumble upon the classroom at the right time, because I recognize the teacher and the classmates.

The teacher is always forgiving and understanding. I had been doing so well and the teacher kept wondering what happened to me... I had just disappeared.

So... I don't fail. but I always wake up as the teacher is telling me how worried they were and as I am feeling relieved to have found the class and scared that I cannot make up the absences.

Last night I had that dream. And when I woke up... I thought... I am not in school anymore. know I wonder... why did I not realize this truth the other times I have dreamt this dream?

But it does make me wonder what God wants to show me through this.


  1. I have a VERY similar reoccurring dream.. but for me it's an anxiety dream.. can't remember where anything is, locker combination, failing classes because things are keeping me from showing up. I think it's about fearing missing out on something important. Deep translation, huh?

  2. When I wake from a dream, I check how I am feeling, happy, sad, glad or mad. Then I listen in my head for the first thing that comes to my head. That will usually be the meaning of the dream. This works most of the time, and when it doesn't I ask God to help me let go of it until I am shown what it mean. Letting go, mean I may never know. Thanks for Sharing your dream. I love you Melissa. Dad

  3. Thanks for dropping a comment on my blog! It was a really surreal experience, but very cool.

    And just for the record, I have no idea what God is trying to tell you through your dream. :)

  4. Just to clarify, the story I blogged about was the surreal experience, not your comment. He he... (where's the little "embarrassed" emoticon?)
